On invitation of the German Embassy in Oslo, the sculptor Filipe Mirante, together with the cultural officer Frauke Silberberg, organized a sculpture workshop for children and young people in the garden of the German Embassy on Whitsun. The participants were able to present their works made of ytong and plaster to their families and friends at a successful closing party.
Easter holidays with a difference: that was the motto for 28 children from the Municipality Nierstein-Oppenheim who took part in the 4-day sculpture workshop with Filipe Mirante. In cooperation with the Adult Education Centre of the Municipality and the youth centre Oppenheim, the sculptor and the Municipality Nierstein-Oppenheim organised a holiday programme in which the young artists learned how to use tools and how to work with Ytong. Both the children and the sculptor had great fun working together.
In cooperation with Otto Schaffner and Filipe Mirante, pupils of the 12th grade of the Bertha-von-Suttner-School in Mörfelden-Walldorf created an approx. 6 m high sculpture made of iron and marble. The project was created over a period of several weeks, during which the pupils learned how to handle different materials and tools.
In May 2011, the work of art was placed on the lawn in front of the school's main entrance opposite the cycle path connecting the districts of Mörfelden and Walldorf.
This approx. 250 cm high 'Hand of Friendship' made of aerated concrete was created in the art lessons of the pupils of the integration class 4a of the Bürgermeister-Klingler-School, Mörfelden, in cooperation with the class teacher and the sculptor Filipe Mirante. The pupils had chosen the hand themselves as a symbol of tolerance. In May 2011, the hand could be set up in the school's movement landscape and ceremonially inaugurated.
In cooperation with the town of Mörfelden-Walldorf, Filipe Mirante designed the sculpture path between Mörfelden and Walldorf. The cycle path between the two districts was enriched with sculptures by some well-known artists.
For the 25th anniversary of the district Limburg-Weilburg Filipe Mirante organized in cooperation with the district a sculptor symposium in which 9 sculptors from Germany and Portugal participated. For almost 4 weeks they lived and worked together and created works of marble in Filipe Mirante's studio, works of art which could not be more different despite of the same material. Almost all works found their location in the district of Limburg-Weilburg. During the symposium, the inhabitants of the district had the opportunity to observe the artists at work and to ask questions. Also school classes visited the artists. The works were presented at the closing ceremony, to which all citizens of the district were cordially invited. German and Portuguese associations from the region participatet in the success of this unique event with gastronomic and cultural contributions.